Assigning Shifts

ProModel allows you to can select multiple locations and resources and assign them to a shift in one record. Plus, you can:

assign a location or resource to multiple shift files with a start time for each shift,

define off-shift and break priorities, and

create off-shift and break logic.

The Shift Assignments module allows you to schedule the availability of resources and locations based on shifts and work breaks defined in the Calendar Editor. When a location or resource goes off shift or on break, it is off-line or off-duty and is reported in the output statistics as non-scheduled time rather than downtime.

The off-shift and break logic are optional and allow you to control more precisely when a resource or location may go off shift, on break, and how long before it becomes available again.


When you select Shifts from the Build menu, two options are displayed: Define and Assign. You must define a shift before you can assign a resource or location to it.

How to assign locations and resources to shifts:

1. Select Shifts from the Build menu, then click on Assign. ProModel displays the Shift Assignments edit window shown below.


2. Select Locations - Click on the Locations button to display the Select Locations dialog (shown below). Click on a location and use the buttons to select or remove it from the Shift Locations list. Double clicking on a location also selects or removes it. Click OK when finished.


3. Select Resources - Click on the Resources button to display the Select Resources dialog (shown next). Click on a resource and use the buttons to select or remove it from the Shift Resources list. Double-clicking on a resource also selects or removes it. Click OK when finished.


4. Units Enter the specific units of the selected resource to be assigned to the shift. You may assign one, several, or all units of a resource to a shift. You can also use a macro to specify the units. If left blank, ProModel assigns the default of All units to the shift.

1,3 Units 1 and 3 only

1-3,5 Units 1 through 3 and 5 only

All All units of the resource

None You may use none to indicate that no unit will adopt this shift. This is useful in creating a run-time interface. By using a macro to represent the number of units, the user may select none as an option.

Macro The name of a run-time interface macro that allows the user to define the units to be affected by the shift.

5. Select Shift Files - Click the Shift Files button to display the Select Shift Files dialog (shown next). Click on the Add button to display the File Open dialog and select the shift files you want to use in the model.


6. Define Start Times - Enter the start time for each of the selected shift files. The value will be interpreted according to the time units specified in the General Information dialog unless a unit label is entered after the value (e.g., 10 hr). You can also use a macro to specify the start times. If the Start time is left blank, the shift will begin at the start of the simulation. All shifts specified apply to the locations and resources selected for these shifts in the Shift Assignment record.

During the simulation, the shift with the earliest start time remains in effect for the locations and resources listed until the next start time encountered activates a new shift.

7. Define Priorities - Click on the Priorities button. The Priorities button allows you to enter the priorities for going off line due to a break or end-of-shift as well as the priorities of the off-line state in the event that some other activity attempts to bring a particular resource or location back on line. You can also use macros to specify priorities.



These priorities follow standard ProModel priority level and preemption rules. (See Locations, Entities, and Resources).

Priority for Ending Shift This is the priority for regularly ending the shift. An entity or downtime must have a higher priority level to prevent this location or resource from going off shift at the preset time.

Off Shift Priority This is the priority for the location or resource to stay off shift. In other words, an entity or downtime must have a higher priority level to bring this location or resource back on line before the preset time.

Priority for Starting Break This is the priority for going on break. An entity or downtime must have a higher priority level to prevent this location or resource from going on break at the preset time.

Break Priority This is the priority for staying on break during the break period. In other words, an entity or downtime must have a higher priority level to bring this location or resource back on line before the end of the preset break.